Friday 17 July 2009

The Xander never forgets...

Yesterday on the way home a little girl said "Hello Alexander" to Xander. He waved back and said hello. I asked him how he knew her, was she in his class? He said no and claimed he had never seen her before. I asked him how she knew his name, he suggested that she must had guessed it. I said "that would be unlikely it would have been a very good guess" he said "then she must be very clever". I suggested that maybe they had in fact met and she had remembered him but he had forgotten her. He stated this was impossible as he remembers everything as he is "The Xander". I suggested that this was not true, he got cross and ignored me.

Today, I got his class photo back. He is standing right next to the little girl!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

P Meeting: 27th July 2008, Agenda

Our next meeting will be 27th July 2008 at Central Community Centre, Emlyn Square from 7:30pm.


1) Welcome and refreshments, apologies and minutes (5 Minutes)
2) Stalls and events: Peace festival, Pride, Social event, Forest festival (5 Minutes)

3) Tresurers Report: Fundraising (15 Minutes)
4) Membership Secretary’s Report: Recruitment (15 Minutes)
5) Vision (local manifesto) (15 Minutes)
6) AOB (5 Minutes)